Browse Items (10 total)

GZ april 1981.jpg
This issue includes an editorial, an April calednar, Salsa-Soul's recent activities, poetry, an entry on Black sexuality, and annoucements of upcoming events and conferences.

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This issue includes creative writing, horoscopes, a spring sex survey, and recommended reading.

gay zette spring 84.jpg
This issue includes illustrations, creative writing and poetry, horoscopes, and a calendar.

This issue includes poetry, entries on pay equity and sexual health, advertisements, and a Nairobi update.

This issue includes an editorial, a profile on Ann King by Sekou, capricorn horoscopes, literary thoughts and poetry, annoucements and upcoming events.

This issue includes an editorial, a review of the recent Salsa-Soul bus ride and picnic at Lake Welsh, announcements, and a notice of the upcoming deadline to submit to the October issue.

Gay-zette feb 1980.jpg
This issue is a Valentine's Day edition of the Gay-zette. It includes an edition, a profile on Sonia Bailey, horoscopes, poetry, illustrations, and annoucements of upcoming events and submission deadlines.

gayzette july august 1980 1.jpg
This issue includes an editorial, a profile on Alberta Ashley, a profile on Diane Williams, horoscopes, creative writing and poetry, and announcements.

GZ may 1981.jpg
This issue includes an editorial, a May calendar, a profile on Brahma Curry, creative writing and poetry, horoscopes, and several advertisements.

This issue includes an editorial, a profile on Roberta Stokes, a profile on Bonnie Conyers, a reflection on Salsa Soul's a Woman's Place Weekend, and poetry.
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