Browse Items (24 total)

Postcard from Julia da Lima to Cassandra Grant describing her experience in the Netherlands and the lack of black people, and black women in particular.

Invitation to celebrate the 50 years of friendship between Cassandra and Harriet at the South Oxford Tennis Club.

Sunday Morning Champagne Brunch menu sponsored by the Publicity Committee of the Salsa Soul Sisters.

Outlines the bylaws, objectives, board members, Thursday night meeting schedule, finances, procedures manual, agendas and minutes from board meetings, committees and activities of the organization.

Program from the "Sharing" a Piece of a World event. Lists the names of performers, choreographers, technicians and composers.

In her annual birthday letter, Donna Allegra explains why she was unable to send out a letter last year and shares her insight on how she plans to keep learning and growing as she ages. On the second page, Allegra shares her recently published works.…

January bank statements for the month of January 1980. Highlights expenses ...

Joichin describes her experience working in committees and reflects on the groups inability to find a permanent space, providing them with a list of women owned real estate agencies for future reference.
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